July 2021
Mr. Chandra Kanth Kosuru of partner T4F participated in the 15th edition of the Rostocker Bioenergieforum, which took place on the 16th and 17th of June 2021. It was hosted by DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH.
The national conference focussed on the interests of sustainable development and why the Germany’s energy supply must be completely converted to renewable energies (RE) in the coming decades, and why the supply of organic basic materials to industry must be switched as far as possible from Petro-based to bio-based materials. This ambitious goal of long-term integration of biomass into a sustainable energy and bioeconomy system can only be achieved if biomass is used efficiently, in an environmentally compatible manner and with the highest possible economic benefit. The material and energetic coupling and cascade use of biogenic resources is a central element of a climate-neutral bioeconomy, whereby in particular the carbon and nutrient cycles must be closed. Bioenergy is to be provided from sustainable raw materials and residual material flows. Against this background, the lecture program of the 15th Rostock Bioenergy Forum presented the current developments.
During the event, partner T4F introduced the IDEALFUEL project through a presentation to approximately 50 participants.
More information about the conference can be found here (in German) or on our website.