6. Guidelines for market uptake incl. policy recommendations & a sustainability chain evaluation

Lead partner: GOOD

1. Evaluation of technical and economic aspects; efficiencies and costs /competitiveness compared to fossil fuels and other technologies,
2. Evaluation of sustainability and environmental impacts relevant for the implementation of Bio-HFO fuel as marine fuel,
3. Performing a market assessment – an analysis of feedstock mobilization, barriers and opportunities, with a focus on Western Europe and Scandinavia.
4. Current status and gaps in EU legislation (those depending on port authorities and those depending on approval authorities) are identified.
5. Recommendations to policy-makers, authorities and industry on standardization issues and legislative framework for fuels developed in the project (based on the outputs obtained from WP2-5) are provided through a “blueprint of requirements and recommendations for the implementation of renewable marine fuels” to allow larger market acceptance and uptake.

1. Report on Sustainability comparison[GOOD – May 2022]
The report will document a sustainability analysis for a number of supply chains in order to assess the sustainability and potential environmental risks.
2. Market Assessment Report [GOOD – Oct 2021]
The report will create an overview of the most promising market segments for maritime transport fuels in general.
3. Legislation, regulations and pre-normative issues report [TUe – Apr 2022]
This report describes the assessment of the present legal, regulation and pre-normative infrastructure which does not always fit to the introduction of a new (bio)fuel like Bio-HFO. Legal issues will be addressed at EU level.
4. Environmental Impact Assessment [TUe – Oct 2022]
In this report a screening LCA will be documented providing quantitative insight in the environmental performance and possible environmental risks of renewable marine fuel combustion in ship engines, in particular related to air quality requirements.
5. Report on Techno-Economic assessment [GOOD – Feb 2024]
In this report the techno-economic evaluation will be documented of the relevant value chains. For each value chain, the current market price and future outlook will analyzed.
6. Integrated Roadmap to market uptake [GOOD – Apr 2024]
In this report strategies for the market uptake of project results will be documented, in the form of joint business models by using the business model canvas.